We are bringing support and awareness to the Pembina Valley and surrounding areas. Our goal: Prioritize information sharing, education, awareness and proactively supporting each other. Educating & involving our communities in the lives of people living with ASD is one of our primary goals.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Asperger Manitoba has a new look!
They have a new look, please check them out and give them your support!
12 Ways to Make a Difference for Your Autistic Grandchild
You are a grandparent! Nothing can compare with the boundless love that a grandparent feels for their grandchild. No longer limited by the need to juggle work, home, school and raising children into mature, self reliant adulthood, the gift of grandchildren is one of life’s greatest blessings. But life doesn’t always deliver it’s blessings in the package we expect. The diagnosis of autism is for many a jolt into a new world; one that many have not even heard of or at least have no knowledge. Autism is a mysterious and heart breaking neurological (occurring in the brain) disorder that occurs in 1 in 150 children. It shows itself most prominently in impairments in language, communication, behavior and social relationships. For parents, the diagnosis tears at our hearts and brings the future crashing down (at least for a time).
This is where grandparents come in. You have awaited the news of your grandchild for months, maybe years and now the gut wrenching truth is almost too painful. Your children are suffering. What could be worse?
I know you want to help because you are reading this. You want to find a way to ease the pain. Your adult children need you. You cannot cure the autism or somehow make it disappear, even though you would love to. But you play a role that is critical and you have the power to make life more manageable for your children and your grandchild or you can undermine their challenges and exacerbate an already fragile situation.
Autism cannot be cured. But, time will show that it is not a “death sentence.” Life will find a “new kind of normal” and life will take on new meaning. There are therapies, education programs, and dietary considerations that will make life much more controllable for a person with autism.
So, you want to play a positive role in the life of your grandchild with autism? Here are a few tips that will certainly get you started on the right track:
1.Support your children in their efforts to come to terms with and negotiate this challenging path. Listen, affirm and avoid offering quick judgments and /or solutions. What parents need most is to be supported and to feel affirmed that they are good parents and they will be able to cope; they are not alone.
2.Accept and love your grandchild for who they are now, not what you want them to be. This can be tall order when you are in public and a full-blown tantrum is underway! Remember, this is not a child that is misbehaving; he or she needs to tell you something and is not capable of it. Loving our children means interpreting their behaviour to find the message behind it.
3.Avoid judging or blaming anyone or anything. As humans we too often find ourselves searching for a reason or something on which we can lay blame. In the larger picture of your grandchild’s emotional, physical and intellectual growth, negative energy is simply wasted energy. Positive energy seeks to learn, to understand and to support what is. Autism is a neurological disorder. Parents cannot do anything or fail to do anything that would leave their child autistic. Suggesting otherwise is cruel and utterly wrong.
4.Support financially when possible. The education savings plan that you have begun may need to be used earlier than expected. Therapies, programs, resources and respite care are costly and yet they are the critical ingredients to making the lives of your children and their children with autism better. Listen to what your children are saying they need. Quietly reassure them that you will help in any way that you can.
5.Learn as much as possible about autism. There are many excellent resources on the market. The goal should be to increase understanding of the child’s communication, social and behavioral presentation NOT to find a cure. Information on how children with autism see the world and how they learn will do wonders for helping you to connect with your grandchild. One of my parent’s favourites is Autistic Thinking: This is the Title, by Peter Vermeulen.
6.Offer to spend time with the children or provide the financial means to have the parents have time on their own. Don’t wait to be asked. Your child’s marriage and mental health needs as much attention as does your grandchild. It is an investment for the whole family when you provide the regular opportunity for relief.
7.Gift certificates for movies, dinner, spa, and fitness clubs are a way to “force” a parent to take time for him or her self. Most parents will never quite get around to taking care of themselves. A homemade meal or a house cleaning can go a long way to easing stress. Take care of your child so they can care for your grandchild.
8.Spend time with the siblings of the child with autism. Or, provide care for the child with autism so that parents and typical children can reconnect! So often, life at home is centered on the child with special needs that siblings can get “lost in the shuffle.” Special days away or planned activities give siblings the relief that they need from a busy household. Our other children need to know that it is healthy to take a break from caring for a person that needs a lot from us.
9.Give your grandchild the opportunity to develop self esteem by teaching them how to do things for themselves rather than doing it for them. It is so tempting to do things for our special needs children. We can easily feel that “our babies” must deal with so much already that it seems cruel to say, “You can do it!” But be aware that being overly nurturing can sabotage a child’s opportunity to learn to do something and feel the sense of accomplishment and pride when they get it! No grandparent would want to chip away at a child’s self esteem. When you guide your grandchildren through each small step and encourage their attempts (even if they are off the mark) you are building their internal sense of self and that is a gift of a lifetime.
10.Communicate to the child with autism with short simple sentences. If you want your grandchild to do something it is best to state it specifically rather than ask a question. For example, instead of asking, “Do you want to rake the leaves with me?” it is more likely that you will get a positive response if you say, “Come rake the leaves with me. You can help me.” People with autism are often quite literal in their thinking and if we pose statements as questions, we may get a response that we did not intend. Avoid being loud, talking quickly and giving multiple steps. Your grandchild will most likely not be able to process all of your verbal instructions and they may ignore you or become very agitated.
11.Pictures, lists and diagrams are far more meaningful to most people with autism than words are. If your grandchild is upset or seems to lack understanding of something it is useful to draw a picture/diagram, list the steps that will happen or use a picture schedule. For example, a list might say: 1) Play at park. 2) Snack. 3) Brush teeth. 4) Bedtime. OR even more specific: 1) Eat snack. 2) Brush teeth. 3) Read story. 4) Sleep.
12.Respect the expectations and limits that parents set up. Raising a child with autism demands a structure and routine that is essential for the child’s peace of mind. Follow dietary restrictions, bedtimes, routines (no matter how odd they seem) and communication guidelines that the parents set. People with autism may have trouble coping with changes in routine, food, sleeping arrangements, toileting, etc when they are in your home. This is not because they are behaving poorly. This IS NOT a discipline (or lack thereof) issue. It is an autism issue and it needs to be treated as such.
Trust that you can make a deep and life changing impact on your grandchild by being the support that his/her parents need. As grandparents you may feel helpless and completely at a loss as to how to help. In reality, you do have the potential to make a huge difference whether you are physically near your children or not. Support, affirmation and love are what will get your child’s family through the challenge of raising a child with autism.
Jennifer Krumins is a full time teacher in Ontario, Canada with 18 years of experience in special education and the regular classroom. A mother of three (one of which has autism) I am currently teaching severely challenged teen boys with autism. Author of, "Been There. Done That. Finally Getting it Right. A Guide to Educational Planning for Students with Autism: Lessons from a Mother and Teacher".
[added on February 3, 2009 to the Autism Awareness Centre site]
This is where grandparents come in. You have awaited the news of your grandchild for months, maybe years and now the gut wrenching truth is almost too painful. Your children are suffering. What could be worse?
I know you want to help because you are reading this. You want to find a way to ease the pain. Your adult children need you. You cannot cure the autism or somehow make it disappear, even though you would love to. But you play a role that is critical and you have the power to make life more manageable for your children and your grandchild or you can undermine their challenges and exacerbate an already fragile situation.
Autism cannot be cured. But, time will show that it is not a “death sentence.” Life will find a “new kind of normal” and life will take on new meaning. There are therapies, education programs, and dietary considerations that will make life much more controllable for a person with autism.
So, you want to play a positive role in the life of your grandchild with autism? Here are a few tips that will certainly get you started on the right track:
1.Support your children in their efforts to come to terms with and negotiate this challenging path. Listen, affirm and avoid offering quick judgments and /or solutions. What parents need most is to be supported and to feel affirmed that they are good parents and they will be able to cope; they are not alone.
2.Accept and love your grandchild for who they are now, not what you want them to be. This can be tall order when you are in public and a full-blown tantrum is underway! Remember, this is not a child that is misbehaving; he or she needs to tell you something and is not capable of it. Loving our children means interpreting their behaviour to find the message behind it.
3.Avoid judging or blaming anyone or anything. As humans we too often find ourselves searching for a reason or something on which we can lay blame. In the larger picture of your grandchild’s emotional, physical and intellectual growth, negative energy is simply wasted energy. Positive energy seeks to learn, to understand and to support what is. Autism is a neurological disorder. Parents cannot do anything or fail to do anything that would leave their child autistic. Suggesting otherwise is cruel and utterly wrong.
4.Support financially when possible. The education savings plan that you have begun may need to be used earlier than expected. Therapies, programs, resources and respite care are costly and yet they are the critical ingredients to making the lives of your children and their children with autism better. Listen to what your children are saying they need. Quietly reassure them that you will help in any way that you can.
5.Learn as much as possible about autism. There are many excellent resources on the market. The goal should be to increase understanding of the child’s communication, social and behavioral presentation NOT to find a cure. Information on how children with autism see the world and how they learn will do wonders for helping you to connect with your grandchild. One of my parent’s favourites is Autistic Thinking: This is the Title, by Peter Vermeulen.
6.Offer to spend time with the children or provide the financial means to have the parents have time on their own. Don’t wait to be asked. Your child’s marriage and mental health needs as much attention as does your grandchild. It is an investment for the whole family when you provide the regular opportunity for relief.
7.Gift certificates for movies, dinner, spa, and fitness clubs are a way to “force” a parent to take time for him or her self. Most parents will never quite get around to taking care of themselves. A homemade meal or a house cleaning can go a long way to easing stress. Take care of your child so they can care for your grandchild.
8.Spend time with the siblings of the child with autism. Or, provide care for the child with autism so that parents and typical children can reconnect! So often, life at home is centered on the child with special needs that siblings can get “lost in the shuffle.” Special days away or planned activities give siblings the relief that they need from a busy household. Our other children need to know that it is healthy to take a break from caring for a person that needs a lot from us.
9.Give your grandchild the opportunity to develop self esteem by teaching them how to do things for themselves rather than doing it for them. It is so tempting to do things for our special needs children. We can easily feel that “our babies” must deal with so much already that it seems cruel to say, “You can do it!” But be aware that being overly nurturing can sabotage a child’s opportunity to learn to do something and feel the sense of accomplishment and pride when they get it! No grandparent would want to chip away at a child’s self esteem. When you guide your grandchildren through each small step and encourage their attempts (even if they are off the mark) you are building their internal sense of self and that is a gift of a lifetime.
10.Communicate to the child with autism with short simple sentences. If you want your grandchild to do something it is best to state it specifically rather than ask a question. For example, instead of asking, “Do you want to rake the leaves with me?” it is more likely that you will get a positive response if you say, “Come rake the leaves with me. You can help me.” People with autism are often quite literal in their thinking and if we pose statements as questions, we may get a response that we did not intend. Avoid being loud, talking quickly and giving multiple steps. Your grandchild will most likely not be able to process all of your verbal instructions and they may ignore you or become very agitated.
11.Pictures, lists and diagrams are far more meaningful to most people with autism than words are. If your grandchild is upset or seems to lack understanding of something it is useful to draw a picture/diagram, list the steps that will happen or use a picture schedule. For example, a list might say: 1) Play at park. 2) Snack. 3) Brush teeth. 4) Bedtime. OR even more specific: 1) Eat snack. 2) Brush teeth. 3) Read story. 4) Sleep.
12.Respect the expectations and limits that parents set up. Raising a child with autism demands a structure and routine that is essential for the child’s peace of mind. Follow dietary restrictions, bedtimes, routines (no matter how odd they seem) and communication guidelines that the parents set. People with autism may have trouble coping with changes in routine, food, sleeping arrangements, toileting, etc when they are in your home. This is not because they are behaving poorly. This IS NOT a discipline (or lack thereof) issue. It is an autism issue and it needs to be treated as such.
Trust that you can make a deep and life changing impact on your grandchild by being the support that his/her parents need. As grandparents you may feel helpless and completely at a loss as to how to help. In reality, you do have the potential to make a huge difference whether you are physically near your children or not. Support, affirmation and love are what will get your child’s family through the challenge of raising a child with autism.
Jennifer Krumins is a full time teacher in Ontario, Canada with 18 years of experience in special education and the regular classroom. A mother of three (one of which has autism) I am currently teaching severely challenged teen boys with autism. Author of, "Been There. Done That. Finally Getting it Right. A Guide to Educational Planning for Students with Autism: Lessons from a Mother and Teacher".
[added on February 3, 2009 to the Autism Awareness Centre site]
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Autism Portage Support Group
The next Autism Portage support meeting will be held on Monday, March 29th, 7pm at the Tupper Street Family Resource Centre, 20 Tupper Street North.
We are pleased that Bonnie Gadway, Speech Language Pathologist with the Portage la Prairie School Division, will be presenting on "Speech and Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders".
We welcome all parents, caregivers, educators and professionals to attend! Check out their webpage for further info!
We are pleased that Bonnie Gadway, Speech Language Pathologist with the Portage la Prairie School Division, will be presenting on "Speech and Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders".
We welcome all parents, caregivers, educators and professionals to attend! Check out their webpage for further info!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Dentists and Autism
Typically, most people are not fans of the dentist or his collection of tools. Not to mention the bright light they insist on shining in our face the whole time we are in their chair. What about when the dentist says open wide, and then we have to stay open for the next 30 minutes while they are yanking, pulling, cleaning or drilling?
Can you imagine then, what it is like for our autistic child, with his or her sensory issues? The smell, the noise, or even just the change in their daily
routine could be enough to set them off into a potential meltdown.
We need to be able to prepare our child, ourselves and the dentist of what may or may not happen, during a potential visit.
Talk to the dentist, and see if they would allow some of the comfort items during a
For the child, try and visit the dental office before hand. Maybe even arrange for
If you are in need of a dentist, or more specifically a pediatric dentist, one of our family members recommends going to the Children's Dental World in Winnipeg.
Good luck, and remember to brush and floss!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Parents want better support for autistic children in schools
Updated: Tue Mar. 16 2010 18:16:35
Some parents in Manitoba say standardized training is needed in schools to ensure staff members are able to help children with autism.
Tanis Benson's 16-year-old son Alec Baldwin was diagnosed with autism when he was two.
He used to attend school in Gimli, with the help of a full-time aide or education assistant.
But Benson says the person assigned to her son did not have enough training.
"I feel they were allowing him to do things he already knew and they weren't teaching him new things…so that's called babysitting," says Benson.
She says she tried to help, attending class with her son and providing input into his curriculum, but says her suggestions weren't listened to.
About a year and a half ago, she pulled Alec out of school and has been teaching him at home since then.
The school division in Gimli wouldn't speak on camera with CTV News but says it has 67 educational assistants within the division who are all trained to work with special needs students, including those with autism.
Another Manitoba parent, Heather Guttman, says not all school divisions in the province have staff specially trained to deal with autism.
Guttman's nine-year-old daughter Maggie is autistic. She says Maggie's school provided an educational assistant but didn't give the assistant any special training.
"She actually paid out of pocket to go to autism classes and to learn what Maggie needs and what works for her, what doesn't," says Guttman.
The province says there are 1,300 students with autism spectrum disorder in the school system. The province provides about $185 million in special needs grants to school divisions, which includes funds to hire educational assistants. But the province says it's up to the school divisions to train them.
Guttman says that poses a problem.
"I'd like to see some sort of standardization…where all (educational assistants) require the same sort of education, the same sort of training. I'd like to see the school board offer more of that training," says Guttman.
The Manitoba School Board says autism spectrum disorder is too broad a condition for there to be any standardized training for educational assistants.
The board says educational assistants have the right to request specialized training but whether it will be paid for is at the discretion of the school division.
- with a report from CTV's Karen Rocznik
Some parents in Manitoba say standardized training is needed in schools to ensure staff members are able to help children with autism.
Tanis Benson's 16-year-old son Alec Baldwin was diagnosed with autism when he was two.
He used to attend school in Gimli, with the help of a full-time aide or education assistant.
But Benson says the person assigned to her son did not have enough training.
"I feel they were allowing him to do things he already knew and they weren't teaching him new things…so that's called babysitting," says Benson.
She says she tried to help, attending class with her son and providing input into his curriculum, but says her suggestions weren't listened to.
About a year and a half ago, she pulled Alec out of school and has been teaching him at home since then.
The school division in Gimli wouldn't speak on camera with CTV News but says it has 67 educational assistants within the division who are all trained to work with special needs students, including those with autism.
Another Manitoba parent, Heather Guttman, says not all school divisions in the province have staff specially trained to deal with autism.
Guttman's nine-year-old daughter Maggie is autistic. She says Maggie's school provided an educational assistant but didn't give the assistant any special training.
"She actually paid out of pocket to go to autism classes and to learn what Maggie needs and what works for her, what doesn't," says Guttman.
The province says there are 1,300 students with autism spectrum disorder in the school system. The province provides about $185 million in special needs grants to school divisions, which includes funds to hire educational assistants. But the province says it's up to the school divisions to train them.
Guttman says that poses a problem.
"I'd like to see some sort of standardization…where all (educational assistants) require the same sort of education, the same sort of training. I'd like to see the school board offer more of that training," says Guttman.
The Manitoba School Board says autism spectrum disorder is too broad a condition for there to be any standardized training for educational assistants.
The board says educational assistants have the right to request specialized training but whether it will be paid for is at the discretion of the school division.
- with a report from CTV's Karen Rocznik
Monday, March 15, 2010
Website has been launched!
The new South Central ASD family support group website has been launched!
Please stop by and let us know what you think!
Please stop by and let us know what you think!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Watch CKY on tues evening
Autism in the classroom. When it comes to children with special needs, who really knows best? Educating autism - watch CTV News at 6 p.m. on Tuesday.
*update* received confirmation that this program will be aired on the internet as well. CTV Link
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
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